East African Countries to Discuss on Poultry Potential Next Week in Addis Ababa

Regional meeting on poultry development in East Africa will be held next week in Addis Ababa to assess the status of the sector y especially chicken production and marketing in the project countries across the region, according to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

The IGAD region is rich in poultry resources with estimated population of 200 million of which over 90 percent are village chickens.

The chicken production system in most IGAD countries can be characterized as less market oriented, low input, scavenging and traditional management system consisting of local breeds.

The meeting, organized by IGAD Center for Pastoralists Areas and Livestock Development, will assess the status of the poultry especially chicken production and marketing in the project countries across the region.

The event, which will be held from July 16 to 17, is also expected to discuss on relevant successful practices and lessons on backyard chicken production such as on breeds, housing, husbandry and health
and flock management from the region for scale up in similar regions.

The documented good practices with proper sensitization and sharing to the relevant stakeholders in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas are believed to contribute for improved production and quality of the poultry products and replacement of the poultry import.

Poultry officers from the federal and national levels, key private sectors along the value chain, officers from the dryland research center working on poultry, and poultry associations will be gathered to review the status of the poultry production and marketing in arid and semi-arid lands areas of the project countries, present good practices and challenges among others. Relevant international and NGOS are also invited, according to IGAD.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency