Fight against terrorism: African Initiative leads the reflection in Bobo-Dioulasso

Ouagadougou: More than 200 people gathered on July 20, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, under the leadership of the Russian-Burkinabe African Initiative association to reflect on the role of youth and education in the fight against terrorism.

Reflection occupies an important place in the fight against terrorism which has been hitting Burkina Faso for almost a decade.

It is with this in mind that the Russian-Burkinabe association African Initiative organized a conference-debate on Saturday July 20, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso.

Placed under the theme: ‘Youth, education and the fight against terrorism’, the meeting mobilized more than 200 people including actors from civil society, education, religious, customary and representatives of the Defense Forces and of security.

In the economic capital of Burkina Faso, the speakers discussed the different strategies to be implemented to fight against terrorism in the land of honest men.

Three sub-themes were developed by the speakers during this conference. The first sub-theme ‘
Investing in the education of youth’ was developed by Evariste Loyara, teacher and General Coordinator of ACPC-BF (actions for positive behavior change – Burkina Faso).

The second sub-theme developed by Lassina Sanou, representing the customary chiefdom of Bobo Dioulasso, focused on the ‘Promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue’ in the fight against terrorism.

The third sub-theme ‘Empowering young people to prevent radicalization’ was developed by Nestor Podassé of Planète des Jeunes Patriotes.

African Initiative also presented to visitors to the cultural center the photo exhibition ’10 years of war in Donbas’ by Vittorio Rangeloni, correspondent of the African Initiative.

Source: Burkina Information Agency