Floods Cause Havoc In Cheptiret

Several families in the Cheptiret area of Uasin Gishu County were forced to spend the night in the cold following raging floods due to a heavy downpour that lasted for three hours.

The residents also said they lost property, including planted maize …

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Baby remains discovered at Oshikuku

The Omusati police are investigating a case of murder and concealment of birth after the remains of a newborn baby were discovered in a plastic bag at an unserviced plot in Oshikuku on Monday.

The Namibian Police Force’s Omusati Crime Investigations…

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Nyeri Governor Awards 2024 KYISA Teams

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga has lauded the Kenya Youth Inter-County Sports Association (KYISA) teams who represented Nyeri County during the just concluded 9th edition of the games held in Malindi, Kilifi County.

Speaking outside his office when aw…

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