30, 000 Youth Ready For Rehab

The Dorcas Rigathi Foundation has identified over 30, 000 youth in the country who have registered to start rehabilitation from drug addiction.

The identified youth, the majority being boys and young men, are on a waiting list as the Foundation is r…

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Farmers Urged To Embrace Biofertiliser

Farmers in Nakuru County have been urged to adopt the use of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilisers to ensure safe and sustainable increased agricultural production, as they offer a safe, natural, and effective alternative.

They were encouraged to shift…

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CA Boss Elected To Continental Post

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) Board Chairperson, Ms. Mary Mungai, secured the post of the Vice Chairperson of the Council of African Regulators (CAR), a consultative forum for ICT regulators within the Smart Africa Alliance.

Ms. Mungai …

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Makueni: Judiciary To Mark Open Day

The Judiciary in Makueni County plans to hold an open day on April 26, 2024, where members of the public will be educated about the court processes, Makueni Law Courts Chief Magistrate (CM) Mr. Peter Gesora has said.

Gesora said that the event will …

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