Armed robbers steal goods worth N.dollars 600 000 in Auasblick

Five armed robbers reportedly broke into a residence at Auas View Park in Windhoek’s Auasblick suburb on Monday and got away with goods valued at N.dollars 655 200.

An incident report by the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) indicated that the incident occurred on Monday between 01h00 and 02h00 when the masked suspects, armed with firearms and knives allegedly gained entry into the house, tied the victims up with cables and held them at gunpoint.

The stolen goods included a Ford Ranger pick-up valued at N.dollars 470 000; N.dollars 51 000 in cash, a diamond ring valued at N.dollars 30 000; various pieces of jewellery valued at N.dollars 6 000; six cellphones and one laptop.

Two of the suspects, aged 37 and 31, were arrested in the Greenwell Matongo residential area and a getaway vehicle was seized, along with N.dollars 10 300 allegedly found in the suspects’ possession.

The Ford Ranger, which was used to transport stolen property from the house, was found abandoned near the B1 road and returned to the owners.

Investigations are ongoing.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency