Bandits Killed In Foiled Marsabit Attack

Three suspected bandits were shot dead after security personnel engaged at least 15 heavily armed raiders in a gun battle at the Leyal-Badassa area of Marsabit Central sub-county.

The move followed a tip-off and the quick response by the security officers after the gunmen were spotted within the vicinity raising fears of an impending attack.

Consequently, an intense security operation to track down the remaining 12 armed suspects believed to be holed up in Marsabit forest is underway.

Marsabit County Police Commander Nyambu Mwakio said a G3 rifle loaded with a magazine with two bullets was also recovered from the slain bandits.

The suspected bandits said to be armed with assault rifles and whose origin is yet to be established were intercepted by police officers on patrol from the quick response unit (QRU) yesterday afternoon following a tip-off.

Mr Mwakio said that the armed men opened fire at the police officers who quickly responded and a fierce exchange of fire ensued for about one hour.

A mighty fo
rce was exerted against the bandits suspected to have been on a cattle rustling mission by a reinforcement from the General Service Unit (GSU), national police service, DCI, and the Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU) that was quickly mobilized when the report reached Marsabit police station.

The CPC) added that the attackers were overpowered and retreated into the thick Marsabit forest where a serious manhunt is in progress.

He said that the police have reason to believe that the run-away suspects sustained gunshot injuries and asked medical outlets in Marsabit town and the surrounding areas to be on guard.

‘We believe that the bandits who escaped into the forest were injured during the exchange of fire with our officers,’ he said and asked medical outlets to be on the lookout for anybody seeking treatment for gunshot-related injuries.

Commending the officers for a good job, Mr Mwakio said no injuries were reported on the side of the security personnel as all the deployed officers have been accounted for.

The c
ounty police commander added that two mobile phones, an assortment of clothes that included blue and jungle sweaters, a solar panel, water jerricans, and foodstuffs.

Mr Mwakio lauded members of the public for volunteering the information which agreeably thwarted a planned criminal act and urged for continued cooperation as the government was committed to eradicating banditry.

‘We the police want to assure members of the communities that we are serving that we are here because of their safety and property,’ he said adding that useful information on crime will be treated in confidence.

The bodies of the yet-to-be-identified suspected bandits were removed to Marsabit County and referred hospital mortuary.

Source: Kenya News Agency