Baringo Parents Want Schools Secured

A section of parents in Baringo are appealing to the national government to forestall lasting peace and tranquility in the troubled county to facilitate a learning environment for teachers and students.

Speaking exclusively to KNA in Kabarnet town, the parents led by Richard Chepchomei noted that the recent senseless killings of innocent people in Baringo North Sub County had created panic and impacted negatively the smooth.

Chepchomei who is a resident of banditry hit Bartabwa ward urged the relevant authorities to deploy enough security personnel within the affected schools who will offer 24-hour surveillance and deter armed criminals.

The elder revealed that over ten schools including Ngaratuko, Kosile, Kagir, Chepkesin, Kapturo, and Kamwetio Primary Schools as well as Yatia and Tuluk Secondary Schools are starting at closure if adequate security measures are not put in place.

‘What we are requesting for these schools is to get at least ten security officers each, who will carry patrols as well as safe
guarding the pupils and their teachers,’ he said.

At the same time, Chepchomei called for the establishment of perimeter fences with a gate in all the affected schools to lessen the chances of criminals entering and disrupting learning activities.

Tuluk Secondary School board of management chairperson Titus Kajonjon who shared the sentiments of Chepchomei stated that the safety of teachers should not be taken lightly following the killings of two senior teachers from the area thus calling on security agencies to make arrangements for their travel in and out of school.

Kajonjon who suggested that the members of the community team up with security officials to escort school-going children daily also said that the teachers need to be guided in accessing their respective homes.

Source: Kenya News Agency