Bazèga/ ‘Magical Bedou’: Four alleged crooks arrested in Kayao for losses of 17 million FCFA

Ouagadougou: Elements of the police station of the commune of Kayao in the province of Bazèga, arrested four ‘charlatans’ who promised their customers bags capable of multiplying banknotes (magic Bedous ). The amount swindled is estimated at more than 17,000,000 CFA francs, according to investigators.

The police station of the commune of Kayao in the province of Bazèga, South-Central region, dismantled a fraud network in the commune of Kayao, on July 16, 2024.

According to our sources, it was following complaints from several victims brought to the Kayao Police station that the police were able to get their hands on a network of 4 alleged fraud perpetrators.

The amount swindled is estimated at more than 17,000,000 CFA francs by a so-called charlatan who claims to make magic bags that can multiply bank notes.

Their maneuver, according to investigators, consisted of contacting people who are looking for easy gain.

Once contact was established with the so-called charlatan, these alleged crooks offered the c
ustomer the immolation of an ox before he could multiply the amount bet by the customer.

Once the ox has been immolated for sacrifice, each client is entitled to a magic bag, filled with various objects, the contents not being known to the client.

Once the ritual is completed, the customer is not allowed to open his bag until it produces so-called currency notes for a period given by the scammers.

During the three months that this maneuver lasted, each time the crooks immolated an ox for ritual sacrifices.

After the sacrifice, each customer handed over their sum of money to be multiplied which the crooks collected to put in the magic bag while the customers looked on.

Still according to our sources, the magic bag containing the money remained in the custody of the crooks, and an appointment of several days was given to the client by the latter.

Before the scheduled meeting date, the perpetrators contacted their victims and used subterfuge to prevent them from demanding their money.

Thus according to ou
r sources, none of the customers who resorted to this maneuver were able to come into possession of a single cent.

Hence the multiple complaints which led to the dismantling and arrest of the network after days of investigation. The alleged perpetrators were transferred to the Ouaga 2 High Court for the incriminated facts.

Source: Burkina Information Agency