Burkina: Academics want to solve the problems of African societies using mathematical equations

Ouagadougou: Academics from West Africa have been reflecting since this morning at Thomas Sankara University on solving society’s problems using mathematical equations.

Coming from Togo, Benin, Senegal and Burkina Faso, as part of the African Mathematical School (EMA), launched for the benefit of master’s level students, academics will exchange from August 19 to 31, 2024 on the theme of ” modeling and control of the living world.

The president of the Organizing Committee, Professor Omar Traoré, indicated that the work will focus, among other things, on the modeling of living things and the stabilization of living things, stochastic processes and stochastic partial differential equations, the inverse and determination of parameters.

According to Professor Traoré, this school aims to give mathematical basics to master’s level learners by equipping them with mathematical modeling of life and its control.

For him, it is about supporting students to enable them to propose solutions to society’s problems by des
cribing life phenomena in mathematical equations.

‘Everything we observe, all the phenomena we experience, can be modeled. That is to say, describing the parameters of these phenomena in the form of differential equations or partial differential equations,’ declared Professor Omar Traoré.

According to him, whether it is terrorism, bacteria, wild animals, men, all phenomena can be described in equations to better resolve them.

The first of its kind at Thomas Sankara University, the African Mathematics School was organized in collaboration with the African Mathematical Union (AMU).

The opening ceremony was attended by Professor of Mathematics, teacher-researcher at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Stanislas Ouaro, also former Minister of National Education.

Source: Burkina Information Agency