Burkina: The army wipes out a large terrorist base in Nassougou (East)

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè army destroyed, on August 13, 2024, a large base in Nassougou (East), where terrorists had massively settled in tents with solar installations. Still in the Eastern zone, around twenty terrorists were neutralized on August 16, 2024 and a large batch of equipment seized.

Intelligence and observations allowed the Burkinabè army to spot, on the morning of August 13, 2024, numerous terrorists in the southern part of Nassougou, in Park W.

These criminals, who had just woken up, left their shelters hidden under the trees for a morning regroup.

The air operators took stock of the situation and, at the opportune moment, launched a powerful missile which effectively crashed into the enemy position.

‘The VDPs of the air’ don’t stop there. They continued observations of the area for several days until the past weekend.

It was in reality a large terrorist base camouflaged under the trees of this forest, with tents, huts and solar installations.

Aerial operators have completely mapped the
area and prepared for a massive attack against the forces of evil.

The air vectors first hit a cottage hidden under the woods, where a few assassins were located.

Their companions, who were nearby under the trees, rushed towards shelters supposed to be safer.

The pilots waited until a number of terrorists gathered under large trees before launching a powerful missile at them. These murderers disappeared in thick smoke, taking several trees with them.

Further away, air operators targeted another group of terrorists who had survived the strikes and were trying to hide on the edge of the forest, in an abandoned hamlet. A large missile definitively sealed the fate of these assassins.

The Air Force is determined to put an end to these bloodthirsty people. She struck down a small group of terrorists holed up in a hut in the middle of the forest before destroying several other hiding places.

The operations are far from over. Early on Monday, August 19, 2024, air vectors struck important targets again. They tar
geted a first enemy position with a large missile.

A second group of criminals, camped near a backwater, was not spared.

‘This will now be the case for all recalcitrant criminals who persist in their fatal adventure with no way out,’ whispers a highly placed security source.

AIB sources also inform that ground operations have taken place in recent days in all groups.

Thus, in the Eastern region, the Mixed March Battalion ambushed a group of criminals who were disturbing the peace in its coverage area on August 16, 2024.

Around twenty criminals were neutralized, and war equipment and important logistics were seized.

Source: Burkina Information Agency