Change Of Guard At Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University

Prof Joseph Bosire is the new acting vice chancellor of the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST).

Prof. Bosire takes over from prof. Stephen Agong who has served as the vice chancellor of the university since the institution received its charter in 2013.

The outgoing VC handed over instruments of governance namely the mace and seal as well as the key documents to Prof. Bosire at a special senate sitting witnessed by the university council chairman Professor Shem Wandiga.

Prof. Bosire who is among the candidates who were interviewed by the public service commission for the position of the substantive VC of the institution early this week, will serve in the acting capacity until a new VC is appointed.

Bosire who has been serving in various top managerial capacities for over ten years at JOOUST including his immediate former position of Deputy Vice chancellor in-charge of Academic Affairs remains hopeful that he will be appointed to the position of full VC at the institution.

Prof. Bosire expressed his gratitude to the government and the JOOUST university council for entrusting him with the leadership of the institution by granting him the opportunity to serve in the capacity of acting vice chancellor.

The university don commended his predecessor Professor Agong for his astute leadership, humility and ability to provide leadership even during difficult moments terming it enviable and worth emulating.

The acting VC said that he is ready to take on the mantle which has been described as the ‘hot seat’ saying he intends to address challenges at the university through team work, communication and inculcation of a positive mindset to both staff and students.

Prof Bosire said he is keen to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor to ensure that the university continues registering growth adding that the aim is to ensure the students population which is currently about ten thousand reaches twenty thousand as targeted in the university strategic plan.

‘Am delighted to report that the university has registered growth under the guidance of the founding VC Prof Agong. We have increased our collaborative efforts tenfold in academics and professional relationships over the years and expanded the student population as well as our infrastructure. We would want to deliberately increase our student population to the targeted twenty thousand,’ Bosire said

He assured the university fraternity that he will work with all cadre of staff to ensure they deliver on making the university a beacon of excellence.

The outgoing VC who will be proceeding on a one-year sabbatical leave is expected back at the university where he will serve as a professor and has been proposed to head the newly established blue economy research hub.

Agong who is exiting the stage after a decade at the helm asked the incoming VC to ensure the university maintains high academic and research standards that had earned it both regional and global recognition.

He recalled how he started the university from scratch having been a Deputy Vice Chancellor at both Jomo Kenyatta and Maseno universities.

‘When I was sent here to start the university back in 2009 from Maseno university there were virtually nothing, I was the first staff member with a student population of about 200, now there are over 500 employees here and the student population has surpassed ten thousand resulting to economic transformation of this region’ he said

Agong asked all the staff to give support to the incoming acting VC for the university to achieve its mission.

Prof Wandiga who witnessed the handing over ceremony termed the moment as a pointer of growth in the university.

He expressed confidence that the Acting VC was equal to the task and would steer the institution in the right direction.

Prof Wandinga praised the outgoing VC for dedicating his life to growth of the university having had humble beginnings to achieving financial muscle by attracting various research funds.

He on the other hand encouraged the senate to design courses that offer practical solutions to problems in the society and with potential of better returns to the learners as opposed to theoretical learning.

Source: Kenya News Agency