Entrepreneurship: A dozen women trained in artisanal shoemaking

The association “Act for Women”, in collaboration with “Tayam Art”, organized on Saturday a training session in artisanal shoemaking for the benefit of 12 participants, including 5 widows of members of the Defense and Security Forces who fell at the front.

“Many women and young people face enormous difficulties in integrating into the socio-professional environment. Given the difficult security situation, it is important to promote entrepreneurship through the use of local materials,” said Samiratou Kiendrébéogo, president of the association “Act for Women.”

For her, the difficult security and economic situation in Burkina Faso should encourage the creation of local businesses.

Ms. Kiendrébéogo spoke on Saturday in Ouagadougou, during the closing ceremony of the first training session in artisanal shoemaking organized by her association.

The shoes are handcrafted from recycled objects, traditional loincloths and kôkô donda.

This training, which lasted two weeks, welcomed 12 participants, including 5 wido
ws of members of the Defense and Security Forces who fell at the front.

“The training will enable these women to become self-employed in order to take care of their families,” stressed the president of the association.

Immediately, the guests were able to attend a concrete demonstration of the manufacture of an exclusively Burkinabe shoe.

“We must all support these women by facilitating their access to microcredit so that they can realize their projects,” said Seydou Yaméogo, patron of the ceremony.

The Ministry of Culture, represented by Marguerite Doannio, welcomed the initiative.

“Women need to be empowered. With good projects, they can really stand out,” Doannio said.

Christelle Ilboudo, participant, thanked the association and all those who supported the initiative.

The participants received certificates.

Source: Burkina Information Agency