Ethiopia Will Announce to World Planting of 500 Million Seedlings Today, Says Agriculture Minister

Today is the day Ethiopia announces to the world the planting of 500 million seedlings in a single day, Agriculture Minister Girma Amente said.

Agriculture Minister Girma Amente, Afar Regional State Chief Administrator Awol Arba, and other federal and regional senior government officials have taken part in the planting campaign launched early this the morning at Durufle locality in Afar Regional State.

Speaking on the occasion, the minister said Ethiopia has formulated a policy to build green economy and realizing it.

“And this will not only help food security and development but also enables the country to earn foreign currency”, Girma added.

According to him, this is the day when Ethiopia will show to the world that it can plant 500 million seedlings.

The minister further stressed the need to care for the seedlings to be planted.

Afar Regional State Chief Administrator, Awol Arba said on his part that the Green Legacy Initiative will prevent drought vulnerability caused by deforestation.

The chief administrator called on sections of the society to actively participant in the campaign.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency