EU Commissioner Confers with African Union Commission Chairperson

The European Union (EU) Commissioner for International Partnership, Jutta Urpilainen held discussion with the African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat in Addis Ababa.

The discussion held between the two officials focused on politics, security and other current matters in the region and the continent as a whole.

“It was also important to exchange with Moussa Faki on recent geopolitical developments, including regional challenges in Africa and especially the serious situation in the Sahel. We should advance with a consistent and principled approach,” Urpilainen twitted.

Ministerial meeting of the European Union and Africa Union is planned to be held in Brussels, Belgium in coming November.

The ministerial meeting is expected to discuss on African Investment Strategy which was launched last year by the African Union and other areas of cooperation.

The EU Commissioner for International Partnership, Jutta Urpilainen, who is in Addis Ababa for a two day working visit, is expected to meet high level government officials to discuss on bilateral issues.

Early today, she had exchanged views with Finance Minister of Ethiopia on various development partnership issues.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency