Former AU Chairperson Stresses Education Must Be Apex Priorities to Ensure Sustainable Dev’t, Peace in AfricaGovernment To Construct 5,000 Housing Units In Elgeyo Marakwet

Addis Ababa: Former AU Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma stressed that education must be one of the ‘apex priorities in every country’ to ensure sustainable development and peace in the African continent.

This year’s AU summit was held under the theme: “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa” at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Speaking to ENA, Dlamini-Zuma said the theme of the 37th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of African Union is very important as it paid attention to education.

‘I think the theme of this year is very important, because besides the fact that if people are skilled, they can get or create jobs…development needs, skilled and healthy people need to also be taken into account,’ she elaborated.

She stressed that African countries need to ensure that children get education and skills.

On the other hand, Dlamini-Zuma indi
cated that member states must understand and emphasize to invest in education.

‘Our member states must understand that if you invest in education, we are investing in the economy … If you don’t have skilled people, we will not be able to develop your country, you won’t be able to make sure your economy grows.’

Noting that the African continent has ample resources including minerals, water and other natural resources, she said ‘If you don’t have skilled people to turn those into wealth for the country, it is useless.’

So, ‘education is an investment into the future and into the economic development of the country.You can’t build infrastructure without skilled people. You need engineers and skilled people. So education must be one of their apex priorities in every country,’ she underlined.

She also stressed that each member state must take responsibility and make sure that they allocate the highest budget for education and the rest must come next.

On other hand, she urged that member states should make s
ure that there are schools for children to go to, there are TVET, technical colleges for them to go to when they finish high school.

‘They are supposed to ensure that there are lecturers and professors who are going to be able to teach those young people and prepare them for the wealth and economy of the country. Of course now, we know that digital industries are very important. We need to start from a young age to teach kids coding and so that they are ready for the world of technology.’

Talking of challenges of peace and stability on the continent, Dlamini-Zuma elaborated that peace and security is very critical for the development of Africa, because if there is no peace, there is no development.

‘It is very critical that the African Union is working with the UN Security Council to ensure peace; even national governments must ensure peace in the country. But it’s not only important for development, you know, when there is conflict, women and children are the ones who suffer most.’

On other hand, Zuma el
aborated that the international community must understand AU must participate in all the structures in peace and security matters.

If you want, the international system adheres to the UN charter, where all nations are equal, where everyone has a right and dignity. It means we cannot exclude such a big continent of humanity out of the system, if we continue so, it is not a fair system.

‘The international community must understand that Africa must participate in all the structures in peace and security affairs. It must participate in the permanent membership everywhere,’ Dlamini-Zuma underlined.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

The government will construct 5,000 housing units in Elgeyo Marakwet County under the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP).

The county AHP and markets implementation committee said Iten town under the Keiyo North sub-county, being the county headquarters, would get 2,000 units while Keiyo South, Marakwet East, and Marakwet West sub-counties would each get 1,000 units.

In a meeting chaired by County Commissioner John Korir, members were informed that already, a parcel of land had been identified in Iten for the construction of 200 units, with the tender being advertised.

The meeting was also informed that all 4 sub-counties had identified land for the construction of markets and that a team from Nairobi would this week visit the sites to embark on the drawing of the designs before advertising for the tenders in the next two weeks.

Noting that inadequate land was one of the challenges facing the project, the meeting put land grabbers on notice with National Land Commission County Coordinator Rebecca Maritim s
aying they have forwarded a list of people who have grabbed public land to the EACC to repossess the land.

She said NLC had put a caveat on all titles issued for public land to prevent wananchi from falling prey to people who may sell the land to unsuspecting Kenyans saying they had already successfully repossessed some of the grabbed plots.

The meeting called on the EACC to fast-track the process, especially on land where people have allotment letters but were yet to put up any developments on the land.

The county commissioner called on all government departments to play their role in ensuring that the programme is successful and urged officers to be ambassadors of the same by explaining to wananchi the benefits of the scheme.

Source: Kenya News Agency