Girls In Migori Have Been Challenged To Cuddle Education

Girls from Migori County have been challenged to embrace education to enable them to compete with the male gender in career search and job creation. Migori County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Education and Gender Ms. Rahab Robi said education was a key ingredient in instilling self-confidence in girls that will enable them to be go-getters in issues they engage in. Robi who spoke at Sakuri Girls High School in Nyabasi East Ward, Kuria East Sub County encouraged the girls to study hard in order to excel academically which will in turn enable them to achieve life goals. She noted that advocacy is the key to empowering young girls to know their rights in order to help them to fight three threats namely; early marriage and early pregnancy, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and HIV/Aids. She disclosed that the Department of Gender and Education will soon incorporate mentorship programs for boys to be at par with girls. Robi also said that the county was already working on the Rescue Centres and safe spaces to rescue girls who may be under the threat of FGM as the school closure dates near. ‘We are already engaging and holding discussions and forums at the grassroots levels as well as engaging local NGOs, parents, and community elders to ensure that no FGM cases are reported this coming November and December,’ noted Robi. He noted that the county has been issuing Governor’s Scholarships and bursaries to cushion and reduce school drops among girls. Migori County Woman Representative Ms. Fatuma Mohamed inspired the girls especially the Kenya Certificate of Secondary School (KCSE) candidates to be self-disciplined and set targets that will enable them to succeed in their education. Mohamed asked the girls to aim to move from average to best performance. ‘There is no need to destroy yourself with things that can spoil your chances to succeed in your education. All you need is to be focused to reach your education dreams,’ said Mohamed. She emphasized that Female Genital Mutilation, Gender-based violence, child labour, teenage pregnancies, and early and forced marriages have been some of the major challenges affecting the girls in Migori County. The legislator urged parents to put more emphasis on the girl’s education as an investment to propel the socio-economic growth of the whole society. Similarly, Tunaweza Empowerment Organisation Official Mr. Vincent Mwita said that educating girls was an education for the nation in addressing social inequality, social injustice, and social inclusion. Mwita noted that already the organization was mobilizing and coordinating with other local NGOs and the County government to curb any FGM incidents that may take place after the closure of schools in two weeks’ time.

Source: Kenya News Agency