Government Working to Reinvigorate Economy by Undertaking Various Economic ActivitiesKUSNET Wants Law On Issuance Of Income Tax Exemption Certificate Revised

Addis Ababa: The Government of Ethiopia is carrying out several development projects to stimulate the economy, according to the Government Communication Service.

Government Communication Service Minister Legesse Tulu told the media today that among the various economic measures being taken by the government includes enhancing agricultural production and productivity.

He stated that enhancing agricultural production and productivity in quality and quantity through modernizing the sector in technology and mechanization is the main priority.

According to him, crop harvesting in almost all parts of the country is approaching and preparation for cultivation in the upcoming rainy season has been underway.

The Bounty of Basket, an initiative of PM Abiy that aims at ensuring food security through urban agriculture and other activities is underway in all regions of the country.

In areas where agricultural activities started like in Oromia, Somali and Afar regions, millions of hectare of lands are covered with cro
ps, according to the minister.

Legesse said the expansion of summer irrigation works will continue to be strengthened in order to ensure healthy economic growth.

Various mega projects, urban development and road infrastructure projects, including power generating dams, among others, have also been under construction with speed and quality, he noted.

Over 20 irrigation projects with potential of developing 50,000-80,000 hectare lands are being built by the federal government, the minister revealed.

Moreover, Sheger Riverside project and Entoto Park, Unity Park, Friendship Park, and Meskel Square — all initiatives of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, have become operational and are expected to generate additional income and revive the tourism industry.

These projects are not only playing important role in changing the appearance of the city and the environment but also stimulating the national economy, the minister noted.

He further pointed out that the renovation of Ethiopian historical and cultural heritages
as well as the tourist destinations being built in the country would create conducive environment for reviving of the economy.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency

The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET) has called on the Commission for Domestic Taxes to push for the revision of the legal notice that requires persons living with disability to renew their income tax exemption certificates every three years.

KUSNET Secretary General James Torome said the exercise to renew the certificate is too hectic for all employees living with disability who have to pass through a lengthy process to get the vital certificate.

Torome who spoke to journalists at his Narok office today wondered why this vulnerable group is forced to renew their certificates yet some forms of disability are irrevocable.

‘The bigger question that rings around our minds is that there are disabilities that are irrevocable. If you push people living with disabilities to go see a doctor to make a recommendation after three years, we are saying that you are not giving justice to where it belongs,’ he said.

In case the certificate is not renewed, the unionist said, this special group of
people loses around 16 per cent of their basic salary.

He observed that a person living with disability is first required to go to a nearby hospital where they get a recommendation letter, and then wait to be invited to the National Council of Persons Living with Disability where they are issued with a certificate.

Torome requested Members of parliament to champion the revision of the bill in parliament.

‘This is not only affecting teachers, but all employees who live with a disability who are required to renew their certificates every three years,’ he said.

Among the things required when registering for an income tax exemption for persons living with disability are a medical report, a letter from the employer, disability membership card, and a tax compliance certificate.

When the council receives the application, it arranges for the vetting committee to assess the applicant and give a recommendation to the commissioner on the applicant’s eligibility for income tax exemption.

The commission ascertains t
he correctness and completeness of the application and if satisfied, a tax exemption certificate is issued.

When the application is not approved, the applicant, if dissatisfied, may appeal to the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury.
Source: Kenya News Agency