Kericho Business Man Reaps Big As Uji Power Gains ‘Cult-Like’ Following

In an era where the country is embracing different ways of making a living, selling Uji power is fast growing as a sustainable means of making a living, as the preferred beverage gradually gains a cult following in Kericho and its environs.

The popular drink is referred to as an Uji power since it is believed to be powerful in boosting energy and immunity as it contains arrow roots, sweet potatoes, sugarcane juice, milk, ground nuts, and cassava.

Benard Kabui, a small-scale entrepreneur who is located at a marathon center within Kericho town produces and sells organic drinks such as uji power and sugarcane natural juice to residents who he says continue to testify of the positive impact the drinks have had on their health.

The 43-year-old family man married with three children stands as a devoted family man determined to create a prosperous future for his loved ones through the business that he started in 2018.

Mr. Kabui narrated the journey to his success in the business which he admitted was not smooth as he had to grapple with myriads of challenges before holding ground and mastering his craft that has attracted hundreds of customers who stream in at his stall every day to have a cup or two of the organic energy drinks.

Benard Kabui selling some sugarcane juice to a customer from his stall at Marathon Centre, Kericho town. Photo by Daizy Chebet

He says he started as a farmer, waiter, salesperson, and fruit vendor before venturing into the organic drinks business which he says is gradually turning out to be lucrative.

‘I am a very ambitious and hardworking person; in 2018, I moved from Nakuru to Kericho to start this business. It was a trial-and-error situation, I was not sure if the business would prevail but over the past 3 years has expanded and I have started to reap good fruits,’ said Kabui.

Apart from production of the uji power, Mr. Kabui also processes sugarcane juice by grinding the cane, Aloe vera, Turmeric, and ginger together to make a drink that he says is even preferred to conventional medicine to treat a variety of diseases including flu and cold.

Kabui mentions that the major ingredients are sourced from different parts of the country; sugarcane is sourced from Keumbu and Suneka, while arrow roots and cassava are sourced from Muranga and Western respectively.

‘According to my research, sugarcane juice has enormous benefits in our bodies which includes energy boost, hydration, detoxification, immune system support, kidney health, digestive health and helps to cure common cold.’ Added Kabui

Mr. Kabui also noted that the business can be profitable depending on different working days and seasons.

During the cold season he says, the business rarely produces profits; he can fail to make up to five hundred shillings a day since the juice is highly consumed during hot seasons.

He sells sugarcane juice and uji power at different prices depending on quantity. He sells a cup of uji power for fifty shillings and 150 ml of sugarcane juice for sh30.

‘I face a lot of challenges which include; inadequate space, the fact that the business is seasonal depending on different weather conditions, and transportation of goods from different parts of the country.’ Said Kabui

He encouraged the youth who are jobless to try out the processing of Uji power and sugar cane juice for them to earn a living since the ingredients are easily available at affordable rates.

‘God willing, shortly I would like to expand my business to a bigger space because that is my major challenge and also employ more people to help me supply the juice and the uji; currently I only have two employees,’ added Kabui.

Source: Kenya News Agency