Kuria Teacher Builds Homes for the Underprivileged, Inspiring Hope

Kuria East, Migori County – In Kuria East Sub County, Migori, a local high school teacher, Cosmas Murimi, is making a significant impact in his community by constructing houses for the less privileged. Murimi has already built over 10 houses, mostly semi-permanent structures, in Kuria East and West Sub Counties, aiming to improve the living standards of the local community.

According to Kenya News Agency, Murimi’s motivation stems from his own childhood experience of living in a dilapidated structure. He recounted how his family, unable to afford a simple iron sheet house, endured hardships in a grass-thatched muddy hut that leaked during rains. “My family used to live in a grass-thatched muddy hut that always leaked whenever it rained, forcing my mother to shift us to one of the house corners to evade night cold,” said Murimi.

Driven by these early experiences, Murimi is dedicated to providing dignified shelter to the impoverished in his community, focusing on the most vulnerable groups, including widows, the elderly, and children. He appeals to well-wishers to join in helping those in dire need of decent housing.

Despite the modest earnings from his teaching job, Murimi is committed to his cause. “A high school salary is not much, but the little I get I try to help my community, especially those living in a deplorable state. If I assist one family, I have assisted a whole generation from that family, and I take pride in that,” he noted.

One of the beneficiaries of Murimi’s project, Jomas Mwaithera from Boherara Village in Suna East Sub County, expressed his gratitude. Recovering from Tuberculosis, Mwaithera was unable to build a proper shelter for his family. He lauded Murimi’s efforts, saying that his children could now focus on their education while he resumed his agricultural activities without worrying about their living conditions.

This initiative by Murimi not only provides physical shelter but also instills hope and a sense of dignity among the recipients, underscoring the power of community solidarity and compassion.