Launch of EU’s Support Program for Ethiopia Concrete Step Towards Normalization: EU Commissioner

The launch of European Union’s (EU) 650 million euros multisector support program for Ethiopia is a concrete first step towards normalization, EU Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen said.

Ethiopia’s Minister for Finance Ahmed Shide and European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen have launched the EU’s Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) today.

The program will be implemented from 2024 to 2027 focusing on three priority areas: Green Deal, Human Development, and Governance and Peace-building.

The Green Deal priority will support policies and structural reforms to trigger innovative financing and private sector investments to advance Ethiopia’s green transition.

The Human Development priority will build on and expand the aid already provided for essential needs and services in response to the conflict situation 2021-2022, and focus on the reconstruction and delivery of key basic services to the population.

The Governance and Peacebuilding priority will cover three sectors: Economic Governance, Democratic Governance, and Peacebuilding, it was learned.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, EU Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen said: “It is time to gradually normalize relationship and rebuild mutualy reinforcing partnership with your country.”

She added that the multiannual indicative program which the EU is launching today is the concrete first step towards normalization.

Under the Global Gateway investment strategy, this Multiannual Indicative Programme for 2024-2027 reaffirms the EU’s readiness to mobilise resources for Ethiopia’s stability, post-conflict reconstruction and macro-economic recovery, she noted.

Commissioner said as a key regional partner, the EU attaches great importance to its cooperation with Ethiopia.

Ethiopia’s Minister for Finance Ahmed Shide welcomed the launch of the program, saying that it comes at a critical juncture. He said that the government welcomes the EU’s commitment and stands ready to work jointly to implement the program.

The MIP’s three priority pillars aligns with Ethiopia’s development plans including the second home-grown economic reform agenda and our recovery and reconstruction framework, he noted.

We would like to see EU in participating in multi-donor pool implementation arrangements, resumption of budget support, and standalone projects, he said.

Further, we expect to see increased resource mobilization commensurate with the country’s needs towards peace consolidation, macro-economic stability, ongoing recovery and reconstruction, and political reforms, Ahmed elaborated.

According to him, the MIP is anticipated to boost investment flows through EU’s Global Gateway.

‘‘We would like to express our firm belief that today’s launch demonstrates normalization of relations and the beginning of a new path of development and partnership that benefit our people.’’, he said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency