Machakos County Announces Sh45 Million Revolving Fund for People with Disabilities and Women

Machakos, Kenya – The Machakos County Government has initiated a Sh45 million revolving fund specifically designed for People with Disabilities (PWDs) and women, as announced by John Kilonzo, the County Executive Committee Member for Gender, Youth, Sports and Social Welfare. This fund aims to provide accessible and affordable credit to these groups to establish businesses and create sustainable livelihoods. Kilonzo revealed that the county is in the advanced stages of setting up the fund, expecting it to be fully operational by February next year.

According to Kenya News Agency, the County Assembly is currently finalizing the regulations and policies that will govern the administration of the fund. The process is anticipated to conclude by the end of January, with applications for the funds expected to open in February. Kilonzo’s announcement was made at the Machakos Social Hall during the celebrations for the International Day of Disabled Persons. Additionally, he commissioned a 12-member PWD board to enhance support in various sectors for PWDs, emphasizing the county government’s commitment to integrating PWDs into programs related to agriculture, education, and social welfare.

Further, Kilonzo disclosed plans for another revolving fund, the ‘Wikwatyo Fund,’ with a budget of Sh40 million, which will be available to all individuals and groups. This fund is also nearing completion and is set to be available in February. During the same event, Francis Kasyoki, Chairperson of the Machakos County Disability Network, urged both national and county governments to provide more employment opportunities to PWDs, highlighting the need for adherence to the constitutional mandate of allocating 5 percent of public sector jobs to PWDs. Kasyoki also stressed the importance of inclusivity in procurement opportunities and other sectors for people with disabilities.