Makueni government sponsors 83 students to in university

The County Government of Makueni has sponsored 83 students who will be joining university by September 2024 with fully-funded scholarship, the Deputy Governor (DG) Lucy Mulili has said.

Mulili disclosed that the 83 students who have benefitted scored C+ and above to qualify to join higher institutions to pursue various courses in universities across the country.

‘Out of 95 students sponsored by the County Government to join Form One in 2020, 83 students managed to score a C+ and above to enable them continue benefiting from the scholarship of the government,’ said Mulili at Green Park in Wote town where they gave brief cases to each student to use while going to university.

‘Three students scored A constant, 15 A- and the remaining had B+, B and C+ respectively,’ added the Deputy Governor.

Consequently, she revealed that the scholarship programme has impacted positively on poor and needy students from struggling families since the students are able to continue with their studies without any interruptions.

Further Mulili called upon other stakeholders in the education sector to supplement the government efforts in advancing the education of less fortunate students in the county.

Speaking at the same event, Executive Committee Member for ICT Education and Internship Elizabeth Muli assured the beneficiaries that the county government will continue funding the programme to enable them complete their studies.

‘The program has come a long way since its inception in 2014 by former Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana, starting with just 10 beneficiaries and now supporting 83 students,’ said Muli.

One of the first beneficiaries, Joseph Munyenze, thanked the current government for continuing with the program, calling it a success and urging the National government to allocate more funds to the education sector.

Source: Kenya News Agency