Man allegedly commits suicide at Ombuma village

A 30-year-old man allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself at Ombuma village in the Onayena area in the early hours of Monday.

According to a crime report issued by the Namibian Police Force’s spokesperson for the Oshikoto Region, Inspector Ellen Nehale, the incident occurred around 02h00.

Nehale said Jonas Shikongo’s sister found his body hanging from a tree with a rope around his neck near their homestead.

“The body was transported to the Onandjokwe hospital mortuary for a post-mortem. No suicide note was found and no foul play is suspected,” he said.

Shikongo’s next of kin have been informed.

The police also reported that two people died in an accident between Ondangwa and Omuthiya in Friday.

A white GWM double cab with 10 occupants was reportedly headed to Omutsegonime village when its right rear tyre burst and the driver lost control of the vehicle, causing it to overturn.

“One person died on the scene while the other person died on the way to Onandjokwe hospital. One passenger who was seriously injured was transported to the Oshakati hospital and the rest were admitted to the Omuthiya hospital in a stable condition,” Nehale reported.

The next of kin of the deceased are informed.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency