New Graduates Encouraged to Drive Employment Creation in Kenya

Eldoret – During the 12th Graduation Ceremony of the Rift Valley Technical Training Institute (RVTTI) in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu, where 2,034 students graduated, the State Department for Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Principal Secretary Esther Muoria urged the new graduates to leverage their acquired skills to create employment opportunities. This, she said, is crucial for addressing youth unemployment in Kenya.

According to Kenya News Agency, the graduates are well-equipped to enter the job market, thanks to the quality of training provided by the TVET sector in Kenya, which has evolved over the past 40 years. She emphasized the importance of TVET in sustainable development, lifelong learning, and bridging the knowledge and skills gap, aligning with the Kenya Kwanza Government’s goals.

Muoria commended RVTTI for its long-standing contribution to skilling since its inception in 1962. She highlighted the State Department for TVET’s focus on establishing an internationally competitive workforce and producing graduates ready for employment and entrepreneurship.

The Principal Secretary explained that the Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum, fully implemented from September 2023, fosters a learner-centered approach. This curriculum encourages active engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-reflection skills, all highly sought after in the modern job market. A key feature of the curriculum is dual training, involving equal parts industrial training and classwork.

Through a partnership with GIZ, a German development partner, the State Department is implementing this dual training model in 67 TVET institutions across Kenya. Muoria noted the success of the pilot phase, with many trainees being absorbed into industries.

For effective implementation of the CBET curriculum, the State Department for TVET, in collaboration with the Kenya School of TVET and other partners, has completed retooling TVET trainers from 11 national polytechnics. The retooling process is ongoing for trainers from 13 recently elevated national polytechnics.

Muoria reaffirmed the government’s commitment to enhancing access to TVET through scholarships and HELB loans, prioritizing extremely needy students in line with the Bottom-Up Economic Agenda. She also mentioned the government’s continued support for technical institutions in infrastructure development and manpower enhancement.

Dr. Muoria highlighted the partnership with the Ministry of ICT and the Digital Economy, TVETA, and Konza Technopolis in distributing digital labs to TVET institutions. This initiative has trained over 23,000 youths in digital skills, with the highest earning record in the Jitume Program reaching Sh76,600 in October.

In conclusion, she commended the RVTTI’s Board Members, Management, Trainers, and Non-teaching staff for their dedication in imparting the right knowledge and skills to the graduates and urged them to maintain their institution’s high standards and core values.