Nyamira County Shows Progress in Reproductive Health Services, KDHS Survey Finds

Nyamira – The 2022 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) has indicated significant progress in reproductive health services and the use of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITN) in Nyamira County. Collins Omondi, the Director at Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), shared these findings during a presentation to stakeholders in Nyamira County.

According to Kenya News Agency, 93% of women in Nyamira County delivered with the assistance of a skilled provider, surpassing the national average of 89%. This marks a substantial increase from eight years ago when 34% of women countrywide delivered at home. “Majority of women have understood the importance of giving birth at health facilities,” said Director Omondi. He emphasized that professional care during childbirth can significantly reduce neonatal mortality rates by early detection and treatment of potential health issues.

However, the survey highlighted challenges in child nutrition, with 6% of children under five years being overweight in Nyamira County, higher than the national average of 3%. Omondi advised health practitioners to educate mothers on balanced nutrition for their children.

Nyamira County also stands out in malaria prevention, with 88% access to Insecticide-Treated Nets, significantly higher than the national average of 50%. The county, located in a malaria-endemic region in the Nyanza highlands, has shown commendable efforts in this area.

The survey identified areas for improvement, including access to basic drinking water services, teenage pregnancy rates, and instances of sexual violence. Nyamira County’s access to basic drinking water is at 56%, lower than the national average of 68%. The county’s teenage pregnancy rate matches the national average of 16%, and its rate of sexual violence is slightly higher at 15% compared to the national average of 13%. Omondi urged county stakeholders to collaborate in addressing these challenges through strategic planning and consultation.

Benard Maina, the Acting County Executive Committee Member for Health, noted the survey’s findings as crucial for guiding intervention mechanisms, policy formulation, and implementation in Nyamira County. The 2022 KDHS, the seventh such survey conducted in Kenya, is designed to provide comprehensive data for monitoring population and health trends and informs policy and program development at the national and county levels.