Over 361,000 Hectares of Land Readied for Planting Half Billion Saplings in Single Day

Some 361, 415 hectares of land has been prepared to plant 500 million seedlings in a single day, according to Ministry of Agriculture.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Agriculture State Minister Professor Eyasu Elias said 9,500 sites have been identified for planting the 500 million tree seedlings on July 17, 2023.

According to him, mapping and GREENLEGACY.ET website have also been developed in order to make the planting activities directly accessible to people across the world.

The state minister said that the sapling planting program will be transmitted to the center by experts assigned in all the places.

The mapping of the 9,500 planting sites and development of website were carried out in collaboration with Ministry of Innovation and Technology and Space Science Institute, it was learned.

Professor Eyasu called on all citizens to come out and leave their legacy by planting seedlings on the day.

Over 25 million people are expected to participate in the event, and the State Minister strongly believes that the plan will be successful.

He stated that 60 percent of the saplings to be planted are for agroforestry, 35 percent for watershed development and forestry, and 5 percent for urban beautification.

The state minister urged Ethiopians to do their level best to realize the goal set.

Experts are deployed in all areas to help people plant seedlings carefully and professionally, he stated.

Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made a call for the planting of 500 million saplings in one day.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency