Police Transfer Is Mandatory, CS Kindiki

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has put on notice land officers aiding land fraud and forgery of land titles and land leases in Nakuru County, that will be prosecuted

Kindiki noted that land disputes and encroachment issues will be dealt with, amicably, and regretted that land officials had compromised the integrity of the documents, saying they would be prosecuted.

‘We don’t want cases of people encroaching private lands and refusing to move, or accessing land through fraudulent means. Officers in the Ministry of Lands, Survey, and other public officers aiding forgery are criminals like any other criminals in the country and we are going to be very merciless with them,’ cautioned Kindiki.

The County government of Nakuru is entangled in a land tussle with directors of Nakuru War Memorial Hospital, with the proprietors said to have fraudulently acquired a 50-year extension on its lease, for the 25-acre parcel of land that the Hospital sits on. The case is before the Nakuru Environment and Lands court.

while stressing the impeding transfer of police officers for abating illicit liquor sale and consumption, noted that the war was for law enforcement agencies to deal with and politicians should give them space to work.

Kindiki noted that public officers who had their interests conflicting with the fight against illicit substances and liquor across the country had compromised the efforts, urging them to stop the businesses or leave public service.

‘Organized criminals who are peddling drugs and selling poisons to Kenyans, we will deal with you. Our aim is not to destroy legitimate businesses, we are destroying the infrastructure that is used to manufacture, sell and distribute and even consume narcotic drugs, illicit killer brews which is a threat to our national security,’ warned Kindiki.

The CS noted that about 42, 500 police officers who had overstayed in their stations will be transferred without fail by Wednesday next week, to avert compromising the law enforcement efforts.

Speaking in Nakuru County w
hen he made a routine visit to the area security team led by County Commissioner Loyford Kibaara, Kindiki also put on notice organized criminal gangs that were out to disrupt peace, that they would face the full force of the law.

Nakuru County has suffered at the hands of organized criminals, with the security law enforcers working round the clock to neutralize groups such as Confirm, TZ, Mauki, and Mungiki among others.

He lauded County Commander Samuel Ndanyi for strategically neutralizing the gangs in Nakuru, exuding confidence that it was a matter of time and ‘we will hear no more of these gangs.’

Kindiki cautioned land officers aiding fraud and forgery of land titles and leases in the County that they will be prosecuted for compromising the integrity of the documents, noting that cases of land encroachment reported will be handled amicably.

Source: Kenya News Agency