President Geingob making history even in death: Theron

Addis Ababa: The Agricola Medal awarded to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for his contribution to rural and economic development in Ethiopia by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a symbolic achievement of leadership, Chinese Embassy Deputy Chief Shen Qinmin said.

In a ceremony held in Rome, Italy, last week Prime Minister Abiy has been awarded the prestigious FAO Agricola Medal.

FAO awarded this prestigious award to the prime minister, for his vision, leadership and commitment to food security and nutrition and the pursuit of innovative solutions in wheat self-sufficiency in the context of fast-changing and challenging circumstances.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Chinese Embassy Deputy Chief Shen Qinmin said the Agricola Medal awarded to the premier for his contribution to rural and economic development in Ethiopia by FAO is a symbolic achievement of leadership.

‘This (The Agricola Medal awarded to Prime Minister Abiy) is a symbol of achievement made by the current government a
nd we are happy. And also my government always a helping hand in this regard; to secure the food supply,’ he elaborated.

He stated that with the current government’s commitment to transform agriculture there is no doubt that Ethiopia will register remarkable change soon.

The Deputy Chief reaffirmed his country’s continued support in further strengthen its support to the government of Ethiopia in this regard.

‘In the long term, I think Ethiopia will stand by itself proudly. They will finally resolve the issue of food supply for every Ethiopians; we are confident. We are not only confident but also along this course we will help and play a helping role,’ he emphasized.

Speaking of Ethiopia’s admission to the BRICS bloc, he commended the diplomatic leadership of PM Abiy and congratulated the government and people of Ethiopia.

‘I should congratulate your country and also the leadership of PM Abiy Ahmed Ali for joining the BRICS countries. The BRICS country is the leading voice of the emerging market countrie
s and a voice for the people of developing countries,’ Deputy Chief Qinmin pointed out.

The Embassy of China in Addis Ababa is accelerating in making the future bright for the Ethiopia and China cooperation, he added.

‘With the admission of Ethiopia to BRICS and the upgrading of the bilateral relations; we are going to have a brighter future in so many areas like the agriculture products export to China,’ he noted

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

GOBABIS: Former Mayor of Gobabis, Elvira Theron, has said the late President Hage Geingob is still making history even after his passing as leaders all over the world remember him.

‘What is amazing is the international community rising up all over the world to celebrate our president, a small nation like Namibia is on the map. Dr Hage is making history once again even in the time of his death as he is lifting up the beacon of Namibia,’ Theron said after signing a book of condolences at the Omaheke governor’s office here on Tuesday.

The former mayor said Geingob was a leader of note.

‘You can see the work that he did for us, there we had a very smooth transitional leadership at its best. I want to say this is the time where we must realise that the seed must be put in the ground in order for more fruit to come,’ she added.

Governor of the Omaheke Region, Pijoo Nganate said the late president is the one who elevated him when everyone rejected him. Nganate said he remembers Geingob not only as his leader, bu
t also a personal friend.

‘When he appointed me to this position he said, ‘You went down with me and I am on my feet and I want you to be on your feet again. I am appointing you to the region that has rejected you so that you can serve them, and serve them diligently.’ I can still echo those words,’ Nganate said.

The governor said he remembers Geingob not only as president but also as a friend, ‘a person with whom I sat alongside fire and had stories to tell. A person who shared so much wisdom, so much hardship himself and so many successes.’

Omaheke Regional Council chairperson Ignatius Kariseb meanwhile said he remembers a man who always preached inclusivity and unity amongst Namibians.

‘As a regional leader I am urging fellow regional leaders to commit ourselves to undertake that we will serve the region to the best of our abilities as it was expected by the late President Geingob,’ he said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency