President Sahlework Receives Credentials of Newly Appointed Ambassadors to Ethiopia

President Sahlework Zewde has received credentials of 12 newly appointed ambassadors to Ethiopia in a ceremony held at the National Palace today.

The ambassadors who presented credentials are from the United States of America (USA), Canada, Finland, Luxemburg, Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Rwanda, Libya, Somalia, Mozambique and Lesotho.

During the occasion, President Sahlework Zewde discussed with the ambassadors about the favorable situation vital to strengthen the bilateral relations between Ethiopia and the respective countries.

In their discussion, she expressed that Ethiopia is interested in strengthening ties with the stated countries.

The ambassadors for their part indicated that they will work to strengthen their bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Ethiopia in various fields of mutual interest.

The president wished the ambassadors of the countries appointed to Ethiopia a successful working time.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency