Residents Call For Employment Of Additional Land Officials

Residents of the South Nyanza region have urged the government to employ more Land Registrars and Valuers at the sub-county level to improve services at the land registries.

Speaking during a public participation exercise on Land Laws (Amendment) Bill 2023 held at Kisii Cultural Hall in Kisii town, Rongo Sub County Land Control Board Chairman, Dan Oyugi said the move would ensure the general public access land services with ease and reduce the cost of traveling to county offices.

‘Currently, the residents of Migori, Homa Bay, and parts of Kuria are forced to bear the burden of traveling to Kisii county to transact certain land services,’ he said.

Oyugi also urged the government to consider the regular payment of stipends to members of the Land Control Boards.

Kisii County has already proposed the opening of two additional registries in Nyamache and Gucha Sub Counties.

Sameta Sub County Land Control Board Chairman, James Mbogo lauded the Ministry for organizing the public participation forum adding that
they should ensure their views are incorporated in the reforms for the benefit of all Kenyans.

‘Public participation is usually done to ensure the inclusion of information from the common mwananchi and we hope the Ministry will conduct such forums consistently,’ Mbogo said.

The Land Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2023 proposes to amend the Registration of Documents Act; the Land Control Act; the Land Registration Act, 2012; the Land Act, 2012; Community Land Act, 2016; and, the Sectional Properties Act, 2020.

The Regulations under review include The Survey Regulations (Amendment), 2023; The Survey (Electronic Cadastral Transactions) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023; The Community Land Regulations (Amendment) 2023; The Physical and Land Use Planning (Planning Fees (Amendment) Regulations, 2023; The Valuers (Forms and Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 2023; The Land Regulations (Amendment) 2023; and, The Land Registration (General) Regulations (Amendment), 2023.

Public participation forums are ongoing all over the country to s
eek valuable contributions from Kenyans and one can send their views to before November 27 for amendments.

Source: Kenya News Agency