Robbers arrested at Style in Swakopmund

Police in Swakopmund are investigating a case of armed robbery that was allegedly committed on Monday at the Style retail shop on Swakopmund.

The incident occurred around 09h10 according to Head of the Erongo Community Policing Sub-Division in the Namibian Police Force, Inspector Ileni Shapumba in a crime report.

It is alleged that three men armed with a pistol, panga and an axe entered the shop, closed the door and threatened the six employees, including the shop manager and demanded money.

“During the robbery process, one of the employees acted swiftly and notified the local police, who responded promptly and arrested all three suspects on the spot,” Shapumba stated.

He added that everything which was found in the possession of the suspects was recovered and handed back to the store.

Shapumba commended the fast and smart action of the staff member who notified the local police immediately.

An employee of the shop who spoke to Nampa under anonymity said the robbers came into the shop shortly after they opened and pretended to look for someone who they claimed worked there.

“When they came in, we questioned who they were looking for as something seemed off and as soon as they mentioned the name of the person who clearly does not work here, we knew something was up,” she said.

The employee commended the quick action of the police, adding that she could not even imagine what might have happened if they had not arrived as fast as they did.

Shapumba encouraged community members and employees in establishments like this to always take prompt action and to notify the police in case of crime, adding that most crimes such as robberies are committed either during the morning hours following a busy weekend, or late in the afternoon.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency