State Launches Internet Connectivity To Schools Project Evaluation Report

The Ministry of Education, in Partnership with UNESCO and Huawei, unveiled an assessment report on the impacts of a pilot project on internet connectivity in selected schools in collaboration with ICT Authority in 2021.

Speaking during the launch of the report at Friends’ School Kamusinga, the Principal Secretary (PS) for Basic Education, Dr. Belio Kipsang, said that, ‘As the government seeks to expand internet connectivity to all schools in the country in line with the Digital Masterplan and the Digital Superhighway Pillar of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda Plan, the report will guide those efforts to maximise the impact to learners and teachers nationwide.’

‘The report has clearly found that the internet enhances access to and equality of education for learners in rural areas, particularly girls and those with disabilities. I want to thank Huawei through their TECH4ALL initiative and UNESCO for their collaboration with the government to provide sustainable internet connectivity to the government’s fibre-optic network, and for supporting this important evaluation report,’ he added.

According to the report, 98% of learners indicated that the internet met their needs, while schools reported saving Sh120, 000 for mobile data bundles. Furthermore, 84% of learners said that the Internet makes learning more exciting, 71% said it makes complex ideas easier to understand; 54% said it makes learning more engaging; 23% said it makes learning more fun; and 13% said it increases class attendance.

ICT Authority Director Mr. Joshua Opondo emphasised, ‘The government has already completed a detailed plan for expanding fibre connectivity across the country, with schools intended to be the primary beneficiaries of the programme. We have already connected several hospitals, universities and TVETs to our NOFBI network. This report is a clear indication that we are right to allocate resources and urgently prioritise its expansion to enhance learning in all schools.’

In her remarks, Mrs. Maureen Mwaniki of Huawei Kenya, representing the Deputy CEO, noted that, ‘Huawei has spent 25 years helping build networks connecting mobile devices, homes and government offices across the country, and this report shows how important it is for schools not to be left behind so as to prepare learners for their future careers in a digital economy; we will continue to work with the government and UN partners to ensure more Kenyans are connected and possess digital skills.’

Winners of the Digischool Creative Competition for various categories group photo with PS for Basic Education Dr Belio Kipsang.

UNESCO’s Chief for Education in Charge of East Africa, Mamadou Lamine, focused on how the internet could contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 4 and ensure that no learner is left behind.

‘The schools that benefited from this project were drawn from all parts of the country, and I am delighted to see that girls used the internet as much as boys, and that 70% of learners were using the internet to enhance their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related lessons, which are critical to the future growth of this country,’ he said.

At the event, the winners of the Digischool Creative Competition were given awards. The competition challenged learners to reflect on the impact of the internet on their education and then submit either a drawing, essay, or video, depending on their age. To express this, 31 learners were provided with tablets and smartwatches.

Amatu Primary School, Meru County, won the category for outstanding school for the effort of their students, who were given three tablets and a printer.

Dr. Belio was joined at the event by the Internet connectivity to school project partners, including ICT Authority Director Joshua Opondo, Huawei Kenya Representative Maureen Mwaniki, UNESCO Multi-sectoral Regional Office for Eastern Africa Chief for Education, Mamadou Lamine Sow and Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Secretary-General Dr. James Njogu.

Source: Kenya News Agency