Students Fall Sick After Eating Wild Fruits In Athi RiverGobabis councillor arrested for alleged rape

Close to 59 pupils from Kanaani Integrated Primary School in Athi River were on Tuesday taken to Athi River Subcounty Level 4 hospital after consuming a wild fruit that is suspected to be poisonous.

The head teacher David Sangare said the pupils started vomiting after lunch.

‘The incident took place between 2-3 pm when we noticed that majority of the pupils were vomiting. We quickly mobilised an ambulance and the students were rushed to Athi River Level Four hospital,’ said Sangare.

The head teacher said students picked the wild fruits from trees near the school fence. ‘The fruits are ripe and we suspect the students were tempted to eat them,’ he added.

According to Machakos County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Health Daniel Yumbya, eight pupils are currently admitted at the facility while 51 were treated and discharged after they exhibited symptoms of vomiting, stomach aches and diarrhoea.

Yumbya said the pupils were rushed to the hospital last evening after allegedly eating a wild fruit in scho

‘We received the first batch of 24 pupils at around 4pm, while the rest were brought later after we dispatched a nurse and an ambulance. They all exhibited the same signs,’ said Yumbya.

The CECM said those admitted were in stable condition.

‘The students who were severely ill have been given IV fluids and are responding well to treatment. Those with mild symptoms were given pain killers, ORS and zinc and were allowed to go home,’ he added.

Yumbya disclosed that a special ward has been set for the pupils to receive treatment for the poisoning.

‘The county government will cater for all the medical expenses for the students,’ he added.

Source: Kenya News Agency

GOBABIS: A Gobabis local authority councillor was arrested on Tuesday after he allegedly sexually molested a 19-year-old schoolboy at the town.

According to an incident report by the Omaheke regional police, the incident reportedly happened Tuesday morning, when the victim went to the governor’s office to collect a document.

The suspect who was attending a meeting at the Omaheke governor’s office, then allegedly instructed the victim to follow him to a toilet where the act allegedly happened.

‘It is alleged that the victim followed the suspect to the toilet, where the suspect undressed the victim and inserted his (victim’s) private parts in his mouth and thereafter ordered the victim to have sexual intercourse with him,’ reads the Namibian Police report.

The councillor is expected to appear in the Gobabis Magistrate’s Court on Thursday while investigations continue.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency