Suswa Primary School to Host Jamhuri Day Celebrations

Narok – The upcoming Jamhuri day celebrations in Narok County are set to take place at Suswa Primary School, located in Narok East Sub County. Narok County Commissioner Isaac Masinde, in collaboration with the county governor Patrick Ntutu, has chosen the venue to bring the national event closer to the grassroots communities, particularly in areas where such celebrations have not been held by the current administration.

According to Kenya News Agency, since Governor Ntutu’s tenure began, celebrations have been held in Narok West, Narok South, Kilgoris, and Emurua Dikir constituencies. This year’s event marks the first time the celebrations will be hosted in Narok East constituency. Masinde emphasized the significance of decentralizing these celebrations to various constituencies, noting their role in promoting cohesion, integration, national unity, and pride among residents.

The announcement was made during a meeting at the commissioner’s office, attended by top security officials, including County Police Commander John Kizito and Criminal Investigation Officer Mwenda Ethaiba, along with county officials led by the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Public Service and Administration, Ms. Josephine Ngeno.

Commissioner Masinde encouraged local residents to actively participate in the event, which will be led by both the County Governor and himself. He highlighted the importance of national celebrations like Jamhuri day, which provide an opportunity for residents to reflect on and appreciate their country’s history, thereby fostering a sense of patriotism and duty towards national service.

The entertainment at the event will be themed around the celebration’s objective, showcasing the country’s diverse cultural richness, national achievements, and spiritual nourishment. The highlight of the national celebration is the President’s speech, which is typically read by the county commissioners at the county level. In sub-county celebrations, however, this duty is carried out by the Deputy County Commissioners.