THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE AND EMPLOYMENT: Malta Government Stocks – July 2022 Issue – allotment result

Fixed Rate Malta Government Stocks

The Treasury announces the result of the issuance of the Malta Government Stocks of July 2022.

By closing dates at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday 13th July 2022, for subscriptions by retail investors and at noon on Friday, 15th July 2022, for wholesale investors (auction), the Treasury received the following applications/bids as shown hereunder:

2,089 applications from retail investors and 36 bids from wholesale investors having a total nominal value of euro 200,614,400 against the authorised sum on issue of euro 150 million (subject to an over-allotment option for an additional amount up to a maximum of euro 100 million).

The Treasury is allotting the accepted amount as hereunder:

The Treasury announces that all the subcriptions by members of the public who applied at the pre-announced fixed price under the non-competitive element of the issuance and all the competitive bids received from wholesale investors in the auction will be allocated in full.

Source: Office of the Prime Minister