THE MINISTRY FOR NATIONAL HERITAGE, THE ARTS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT: €160,000 for scheme to support local band clubs

Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera launched the fifth edition of the local band clubs support scheme, managed by Arts Council Malta. The €160,000 allocation for this scheme continues to build on over €1 million in direct funds allocated to local community-based cultural organisations during the last five years.


Minister José Herrera emphasised on the government’s commitment towards traditional culture and the importance of community engagement through arts and culture.


“Our local feasts provide a very good opportunity for the community to engage and participate in various art forms, whilst keeping alive a traditional aspect of our culture which gives our islands a unique identity,” Minister Herrera said. “Now that we are looking beyond the pandemic, our commitment towards traditional culture, especially that celebrated within our communities, remains very strong. Through Arts Council Malta and the Ministry, we are committed to assisting the thousands of enthusiasts who voluntarily ensure that these traditions are safeguarded and kept alive,” continued the Minister.


Albert Marshall, Chairperson of Arts Council Malta, reiterated the council’s commitment towards this scheme. Mr Marshall stated that, “The Council has always recognised the importance of band club  societies within the Għaqda Nazzjonali Każini tal-Banda, not only in fostering musical culture and the protection and strengthening of the cultural traditions in our country, but also for all the artistic work that is organised within the community.”


This scheme is operated in collaboration with the Għaqda Nazzjonali Każini tal-Banda, through an MOU between the Council and the Association, which aims to strengthen and streamline the collaboration between the two organisations. Dr Noel Camilleri, President of the Għaqda Nazzjonali Każini tal-Banda, also addressed this press conference.


During the period between 2017 and 2021, the allocation of funds for this scheme has been of €850,000, whilst 104 beneficiaries have produced projects through this scheme.


Guidelines on how to apply for the financial assistance scheme may be found on Applications are open on till 19 November 2021. For further information, visit, email or call on 23347230.​



Source: Office of the Prime Minister