THE MINISTRY FOR THE NATIONAL HERITAGE, THE ARTS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Restoration works currently underway on the Victoria Lines in G?arg?ur

Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici visited the Victoria Lines in Gharghur, where ongoing restoration works are currently being carried out by the Restoration Directorate. The Minister thanked the workers for the work they are carrying out given the nature of the site being restored.

The project, which started in 2018, includes the restoration of two distinct stretches of the Victoria Lines. Following the completion of restoration works on a 60m stretch of the Victoria Lines corresponding to the length of Gnien l-Gharusa tal-Mosta (Targa Gap), as from July 2019 the Restoration Directorate has taken in hand the restoration of the Victoria Lines falling within the confines of the village of Gharghur.

The total length of the Gharghur Victoria Lines being restored is just below 1km. Over 800 metres of infantry lines and the remains of a pill box have already been restored to date.

The work is being done in its entirety by the Restoration Directorate’s own human resources and skilled site officers. Therefore, the total cost of the project to date, covering material used in the works, adds up to a mere €80,000 representing an extraordinary value for money. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024.

Minister Owen Bonnici stated that, “The government is committed to safeguarding and restoring our architectural heritage with the intent of passing it on for the enjoyment of our future generations.”

Chief Architect Ivana Farrugia gave more details of the work that has already been done and is currently underway. She explained that the original stone blocks, which throughout the years had collapsed onto the underlying garigue, were hoisted up to allow their reinstatement along clearly defined lacunas within the infantry lines. She also explained that meters of stone-concrete wall needed to be dismantled and reconstructed to reflect the original construction typology, and a stretch of infantry lines that had gone completely missing is being built anew.

Source: Office of the Prime Minister