Tourism Stakeholders Work On Strategies To Revitalize The Industry

Tourism stakeholders have come together to deliberate on a recovery trajectory of the hospitality industry which was on a slump down from the Covid-19 pandemic that adversely affected the sector globally.

Speaking during the 2023 Symposium organized by Kenya Association of Hotel Keepers and Caterers (KAHC), the CEO, Mike Macharia said that the sector was on the right track though there were a few challenges that needed to be addressed.

This year’s theme of the Symposium is Rebuilding Tourism; Resilience and Innovation.

‘We have looked at the Government’s Agenda and the economic growth it proposes and we do believe that tourism is a very low hanging fruit in creating the job opportunities the government is targeting,’ Macharia said.

Macharia added that there are opportunities for an increased number of tourists coming into the country once the government addresses some policies like International Air Access.

He also pleaded with the government to address the Visa challenge, saying that payment processes face challenges and hinders tourists from coming into the country.

Macharia acknowledged and appreciated the allocation of the Sh6 billion budget to Tourism docket by the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury and Economic Planning, Njuguna Ndung’u.

However, he went on to plead to the government for a progressively increased budget claiming that the more tourists the country receives the more promotion is needed.

‘We do need to keep communication channels open and at times it costs a bit too much to reach the customers and consumers’, Macharia added.

He noted that the meeting is focusing on the resilience of security, infrastructure, marketing, promotion and innovation of the industry.

He assured that they are looking to harness the digital space, how they can reach more customers and consumers, and what products to put out there that are not well marketed and promoted in the country.

‘I believe we are on the right track and we are confident that with stronger partnerships with the Ministry of Tourism and the Government we will be able to deliver good numbers and create the jobs that the Government is calling for,’ Macharia said.

He confirmed that the cost of business will increase due to the recently read budget noting that the increase in fuel VAT directly affects the industry.

‘We have a direct cost on transport which is key to our operations because we rely heavily on transportation of goods, people and services,’ he explained.

He went on to say that they are eagerly waiting for the final act from parliament to determine how much the industry will be affected.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Trade, Tourism and Culture Mombasa County, Mohammed Osman said that in order to have the Tourism industry bounce back there is need to assess the vulnerability and hospitality of the industry.

Developing emergency plans, planning and communicating in crisis are also some of the issues that Osman suggested to be addressed in order to achieve a graceful recovery of the tourism sector.

Osman said that the County is working to come up with an Annual plan for the tourism industry that will help project how the industry is fairing.

‘Our first agenda as Mombasa County from the Governor’s Manifesto is Revitalization of economy and it is through this agenda that we are working to see the industry come back to full force’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency