Uutoni hands over 33 new houses at Okahandja

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni on Friday officially handed over 33 houses constructed by the Okahandja Shack Dwellers Federation.

Uutoni in a statement said he wished to call on all members of the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia to continue to play their part not only in taking part in the construction of their houses but also to honour their loan repayments to the federation.

He said these payments will enable the federation to be sustainable, to help other needy members, and urged them to continue actively participating in their activities such as regular saving and working together.

“It is evident in our community that housing is a key national development priority and an important vehicle for addressing poverty and inequality, as well as bringing out social harmony, economic advancement and political stability,” Uutoni said.

Uutoni singled out the generous and continued support of Standard Bank, whose financial assistance to the federation has made the construction of these houses possible.

“This shared interest and power of unity and a common purpose are better summed up in our Harambee Prosperity Plan and the African proverb that says, ‘a load is lighter when two people carry it’,” said Uutoni.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency