Water Shortage Hits Homa Bay Town

An acute water shortage has hit Homa Bay town and its environs, causing untold miseries to residents and the businesses community.

Residents expressed concerns saying that they were suffering due to the dry taps. ‘It’s been two weeks with no supply, we urge the county government to act immediately to restore supply, said David Oluoch, one of the residents.

He said lack of clean water forces residents to seek unsafe alternatives.

Another resident, George Otieno said they have resorted to fetching raw water from the lake, hence risking contracting waterborne diseases.

The crisis extends beyond households, impacting businesses as well.

Emily Owino, a fishmonger on the shores of Lake Victoria also shared the challenges faced by the business community.

‘For two weeks, we’ve had no water. Washing fish for customers is difficult. Using lake water is risky due to contamination, potentially harming customers. We are forced to buy expensive, unsafe 20-liter jerrycans for 30 shillings,’ she said.

Homa Bay Water
Services Company (HOMAWASCO) Director Tom Nyoje said the supply had been interrupted due to power disconnection.

Source: Kenya News Agency