Yatenga: ADES-Nord regreens nature in Ouahigouya

The Association for Economic and Social Development of the Northern Region (ADES-Nord) organized a reforestation day at the headquarters of the regional chamber of commerce on August 24, 2024 in Ouahigouya.

The regional reforestation campaign continues in the city of Naaba Kango. After the delayed commemoration of National Tree Day (JNA), held on Saturday July 13, 2024 in Ouahigouya and also marking the launch of the regional reforestation campaign, several reforestation sessions were organized by personalities.

This August 24, it was the turn of the Association for Economic and Social Development of the Northern Region (ADES-Nord) to respond to the authorities’ call with a day of reforestation in Ouahigouya. An initiative which, according to the organizers, is a patriotic act.

Men, women and children, all responded to the call from ADES-Nord officials at the headquarters of the regional chamber of commerce, located in sector 1 of Ouahigouya.

For the president of ADES-Nord, Mahamadi Bangrin Ouédraogo, ‘th
is day of reforestation is in line, on the one hand, with the appeal of the transitional authorities and the head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, inviting the sons and daughters of the nation to take civic action.

On the other hand, we decided to improve our living environment through reforestation. We invite the population of the Northern region to unite around the vision of the authorities for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.’

A patriotic act welcomed by the authorities of the region.

The secretary general of the region, Kouilga Albert Zongo, speaking on behalf of the governor of the Northern region, praised the commitment of the members of ADES-North who have fully invested in the development of the region. ‘According to him, in just two years of existence, ADES-Nord has invested in several development projects and programs with more than 145,000,000 FCFA, very beneficial efforts. It is a solidarity between sons and daughters that the authority welcomes and can only support them. »

Mr. Zongo conc
luded by emphasizing the importance of today’s activity, which is part of the vision of the country’s highest authorities. He also asked the members of ADES-Nord to take all necessary measures for the maintenance of the planted trees.

On the sidelines of this reforestation day, more than 200 plants were offered to different structures in the region by members of ADES-Nord.

President Mahamadi Bangrin Ouédraogo specified that this reforestation day marks a first step in the region and that the association is committed to greening nature each year with at least 1000 plants in the four provinces of the region.

In total, 200 plants were planted through this activity on the site of the regional chamber of commerce.

Source: Burkina Information Agency