Nandi Hills Entrepreneur Thrives in Chapati Business, Earning Sh5500 Daily

Nandi Hills, Kenya – In a small kiosk nestled in Nandi Hills town, 23-year-old Nisha Jepkoech is redefining success for young entrepreneurs in Kenya. After completing Form 4, Jepkoech embarked on a chapati-making business, which now earns her a daily profit of Sh5500.

According to Kenya News Agency, Jepkoech shared her journey from starting with a single 2kg packet of wheat flour to now handling a whole bundle per day. Her business has not only enabled her to support herself and her parents but has also expanded to include tea and chips, further boosting her income.

Jepkoech’s decision to start the business stemmed from a desire to avoid dependency on her parents and to fulfill her personal needs independently. “I have a lot of needs, which is why I work hard to earn a living rather than depend on my parents,” she said.

With the growing demand for her chapatis, Jepkoech has employed two ladies who assist at the kiosk and deliver orders to various customers, including office workers, boda boda riders, and students. She pays her employees Sh300 per day and believes in empowering them with the skills of chapati cooking.

Jepkoech’s daily routine is a testament to her dedication. She wakes up at 5:00 am to ensure her chapatis are ready by 6:00 am for early morning customers and works until 10:00 pm, taking Sundays off for worship.

Highlighting the challenges faced by youths in securing formal employment, Jepkoech urges her peers to consider the informal sector. “With the current economic times, youths should venture into the informal sector as they look for good-paying jobs,” she advises, emphasizing the potential in businesses like chapati-making, boiling eggs, and roasting maize.

Jepkoech’s aspiration is to own a big restaurant in the future, and her success story is an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs in Kenya, demonstrating that hard work and determination can lead to financial independence and success.