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Over 10 000 GBV cases reported between 2020 and 2022

Former Prime Minister Nahas Angula has stated that about 10 478 cases of gender-based violence (GBV) were recorded between the years 2020 and 2022 as indicated by local newspapers and statistics.

Angula at the official opening of the Readathon Week on Monday at Oniipa said GBV cases are reported almost every day, adding that women and girls are at an alarming risk of violence in almost every space.

“One in three girls/women experience and are still exposed to GBV throughout their life cycles, whether at home, school, online, or in the communities they live in,” Angula stated.

The former Namibian prime minister noted that this year’s Readathon Week is observed under the theme ‘Read Namibia: Take Action to Stop Gender-Based Violence’ in order to educate learners on what actions to take in order to stop GBV in Namibia.

“GBV is a human rights issue of endemic proportions in Namibia affecting both men and women. It is however reported that women and girls are at an alarming risk of violence in almost every space,” reiterated Angula.

He said that in Namibia and around the world, GBV shatters lives, stifles potential, and perpetuates cycles of suffering “and as readers and thinkers, we possess a unique tool to address this issue head-on”.

Readathon Week celebration is organised by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC), through the Directorate of Namibia Library and Archives Service from 25 to 29 September 2023.

The Chief Education Officer of Life-Long Learning, Shikongo Tomas stated that to take action against GBV, “we must go beyond the pages and apply the wisdom we gain to our lives and let us challenge toxic masculinity, dismantle gender stereotypes, and champion respect and equality”.

“Let us acknowledge and celebrate the indispensable role of libraries by utilising them as invaluable institutions as sources of knowledge, empowerment, and inspiration as we work towards a world where every individual can thrive, free from violence and fear,” Tomas said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency